Shipping & Handling Rates
Our shipping and handling fees within the continental United States are as follows:
Est. delivery time (optional) Price range Rate
15 business days
$0 $ to $15: $3.97
$15 to $25: $5.97
$25 to $50: $6.97
$50 to $60: $7.97
$60 to 100: $9.97
$60 to 150: 10.97
$150 and UP FREE
Our shipping and handling fees worldwide are as follows:
10–12 Business Days
0 $ to $15: $4.97
$15 to $25: $5.97
$25 to $50: $6.97
$50 to $60: $7.97
$60 to 100: $9.97
$60 to 150: 10.97
$150 and UP FREE