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Acerca de Liliana Cittrine  

Coach De Salud, Vida y Bienestar

My Story

Hello, First, I would like to start by letting you know that since I was a little girl, I have been fascinated with biology and the medical field, and I have dedicated my entire life to understanding this amazing science and the way our bodies work. I also want to say that I am extremely happy you are here reading these words.  So, here is a little bit about this long journey. I was born and raised in Colombia, South America. After high school, I chose to study veterinary medicine because I love animals, and they have been a source of inspiration and well-being. After graduation, I worked with pets or small animals in a Vet Clinic. During this time, I was also a college professor in this field.


I moved to the United States in 1999 to be close to my family. Improving my English has been a constant work in progress. Today, with patience and effort, I can say I am proficient in this difficult language.

Another passion of mine has been to help people.  With my background as a First Responder for the Red Cross, I decided to join the United States Army which has similar goals.  Along the way, I learned the culture and met great people who live in this great country.  After my honorable discharge, I continue to serve the community through the New Mexico Army National Guard which is more aligned with my goals in life. 


At the same time, in my quest to find ways to help people, I took many classes at the Central New Mexico Community College (CNM) graduating as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA).  In my practice as a CNA, I saw many sick people who had little motivation to continue living. I was shocked, so, I said to myself, ‘there must be a better way to help people before they go into despair!”

I studied disease prevention and obtained a Master's in Public Health (MPH) at the New Mexico University (UNM) in 2013. Soon after, I worked for the CDC in Ohio for two years. However, with all this background and experience, I felt something was still missing.  I continued looking for answers on how to help my fellow human beings better. In 2012, I went back into my spiritual journey, where I found the answers I have been searching for my entire life.  Today, I want to share this knowledge, and I hope people can take advantage of it. 

Looking inward, I discovered that I have the gift of love, which allows me to understand the people who are in my family and friends circle, those who work for me, and those whom I serve. Due to my mixed background, I also relate with ease to different cultures.


Lastly, I found also that I believe in miracles and fairy tales. Miracles happen in our life and around us every second of our life because life itself is a miracle.

I believe that It is just a matter of time for humans to connect to our brother and sister from the stars. (Read more about the subject). However, to do this, we must accept each other the way we are and must end the wars we have created due to our differences and perspectives.  What a boring world this planet would be if everyone looks the same and thinks the same.  The beauty of planet Earth is in the diversity we encounter every single day in our life.


I think that each one of us has something special to give to our society and our world.  I believe that everyone should be able to have a happy life and do what they love to do, and I would like to help people do it.


Thank you for your attention to these materials. Subscribe to this web page,  I certainly look forward to knowing more about you. 

My Education

Mi educación


Coach de vida certificado  

Especialidad: encontrar su propósito y pasión.                                     

Academia Internacional de Life Coaching & Emprendimiento


Master en salud pública

Especialidad: Comportamiento de salud, educación para la salud y epidemiología                                         

Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Nuevo México,

Informe técnico “Huertos comunitarios y mercado de agricultores: beneficios en la prevención de enfermedades cardiovasculares”


Médico Veterinario Medicina  

Especialidad: cadena alimentaria & producciones

Licenciatura en Educación en el Extranjero de Colombia  

Universidad del Tolima, Ibagué Tolima, Colombia Sudamérica

Presentación pública de tesis como requisito para graduarse.

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