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Felicitaciones por cuidar de su
Mente,Espíritu del cuerpo, y alma.

CHOCOLATE BODY SCRUB 100% NATURAL with moisturizing ingredients that will leave skin supple and hydrated. Made with Real Cacao Nibs, Cocoa Powder, COCOA BUTTER, DEAD SEA SALT. PARABEN FREE. Net Weight 10 oz.

Chocolate Scrub is also an excellent moisturizing agent - Our richest Chocolate Scrub for face and body from DELUGE contains high amounts of natural oils and emollients necessary for treating dry, rough and flaky skin. Helps to boost your skin's moisture content and stimulate cell renewal.

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Shea butter, coconut oil, cocoa butter, cacao nibs, cacao powder, dead dea salt, brown sugar, avocado oil, grapeseed oil, apricot kernel oil, jojoba oil, emulsifying wax, stearic acid, beeswax, vitamin E, fragrance. Paraben Free.

Chocolate Scrub

SKU: bdcb34f6
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