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Felicitaciones por cuidar de su
Mente,Espíritu del cuerpo, y alma.

Frankincense originally comes from the scraggly boswellia carteri tree originally grown in the Middle East. Harvesters slash the bark of the tree, and, over time, a sticky resin oozes out of the tree. Our Somalian frankincense oil is steam-distilled from frankincense resin.

Common Uses:
Frankincense essential oil is used to rejuvenate and heal damaged skin. It is also commonly used to bring balance and peace through meditation. Apply topically in a 2-5% dilution, or diffuse for a deep, relaxing effect.

Aromatic Scent:
Frankincense Essential Oil has a warm, pungent, sweet smell.

Frankincense Essential Oil is non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing.
Avoid use during pregnancy.

Frankincense Pure Essential Oil - 5ml

SKU: b65f7056
IVA excluido

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