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Felicitaciones por cuidar de su
Mente,Espíritu del cuerpo, y alma.

Ginger root has been grown as a spice for thousands of years. Our ginger is steam-distilled from zingiber officinalis rhizomes grown in China.

Common Uses:
Ginger is great for bringing balance and grounding. Breathe deeply during times of stress or dizziness; topically, it warms and increases circulation. Diffuse or apply topically in a 2-5% dilution.

Aromatic Scent:
Ginger Root Essential Oil has a warm, spicy, woody scent.

Ginger Essential Oil can irritate sensitive skin. 
Avoid use during pregnancy.

Ginger Pure Essential Oil - 15ml

SKU: 1dd9e0c1
IVA excluido

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