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Red lentils Spiced

Tiempo de preparación:

25 Minutes

Hora de cocinar:

20 Minutes


2 Servings



Sobre la receta

Lentils are low in calories, rich in iron and folate and an excellent source of protein. They pack health-promoting polyphenols and may reduce several heart disease risk factors. They're easily cooked


​Enjoy over basmati rice or plain by itself! This soup is a basic ingredient recipe.


  • Wash and rinse the lentils (soaking is optional).

  • In a saucepan or rice cooker, melt the ghee or oil over low-medium heat. Stir in the Kitchari Spice Mix and heat until the seeds begin to pop. 

  • Add the water and stir, coating the lentils in the spices. Add the water and cover. Simmer for 20–30 minutes or they are is soft to taste, stirring occasionally.

  • Generally balancing for all doshas, this simple red lentil recipe is good to keep on hand for a quick and easy Ayurvedic meal.

This recipe is easy to digest, and easy on your digestive system fire.

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