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Fruit Compote

Tiempo de preparación:

10 Minutes

Hora de cocinar:

15 Minutes


5 Servings



Sobre la receta

Customizable by season, easy, and just 1 pot and 20 minutes. Perfect for waffles, french toast, pancakes, oatmeal, and more.


  • Use enough to make a portion, to taste. You can’t go wrong on this one!

  • 1 teaspoon ghee

  • Cardamom spice

  • Ginger spice

  • Seasonal fruits: oranges, apples, papaya, passionfruit, plum

  • Apple juice

  • Non-dairy yogurt

  • Basil leaf

  • Sunflower seeds



  • Put some ghee into a medium-sized pot

  • Add a bit of cardamom, cinnamon, and ginger. Toast the spice in the ghee.

  • Break up seasonal fruits into big chunks with your fingers and add them to the pan. Consider oranges, apples, plum, papaya, and passionfruit

  • Add a big splash of apple juice and cover with a lid. In 4-5 minutes, the fruits should soften and they’re good to eat!

  • Garnish with some non-dairy yogurt, a leaf of basil, some pomegranate seeds, and a few sunflower seeds.

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