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Interpreting Your Results
Here is the interpretation of the Exercise Personality 

Part 1: Exercise Preferences

Look you answer and decide what type of environment you like to have according to your personal preferences 100%. Additionally, remember what kind of sports and activities you used to enjoy when you were a child.


Part 2: Sports Fit Categories Results
Which letter answer did you choose two or more times?

A: Solo  
B: Partner 
C: Group 
D: Team


Sports fit into all these categories. You can do an individual activity such as swimming, pick a sport that includes someone else such as tennis, sign up for a small group activity such as golf, or join a team, as in hockey.


Many athletes love to feel like part of a team. They want the camaraderie on the field as well as going out for a beer after practice. It's fun to fit into a group, and feel appreciated for your contribution to the overall performance. A team is a ready-made group of new friends who share at least one interest. For others, the team dynamics are too political and complicated; they'd rather go at their own pace or compete against their own best records. Note, however, that a solo type who is also competitive may be happiest as the star player on a team. Keep this tip in mind when you use the sports selection chart.

Making the choice of solo versus group sports also may be a question of logistics. Are you better at self-motivation, getting into your shorts and shoes when it suits you, and heading out on your bike? Or would it help you get to know that a whole group of people are counting on you to show up to play soccer?


If your answers are spread between the choices, try a sport with options. For example, many individual sports such as cycling can be done alone, with a friend, or in a group.


Part 3: Sports Fit Driving Force Results
Which letter answer did you choose two or more times?


A: Revel in the experience of activities in which you excel 
B: Go for speed, get out in front, and feel an exhilaration
C: Love adventure and learning new skills


Your answers to the questions in this section could vary a lot. But if one letter came up two or three times, that's a good start in isolating the driving force behind how you like to spend your time.

The categories aren't mutually exclusive—you can love both speed and adventure, for example. Perhaps one edges the other out just a bit in importance. Put that category first when picking your sports but take a look at the other choices that made your list.

For example, Lorie Parch, a 41-year-old writer in Scottsdale, Arizona, picked A three times and C twice. Lorie does love to become proficient in the sports she chooses, but she would get bored if there were not also an element of challenge and new skills to learn. She loves yoga, which she is adept at, but she stays engaged because there are always new poses to master, some of which are quite hard for her.


Part 4: Competitiveness Results
Which letter answer did you choose two or more times?


A: Not competitive
B: Competitive with myself
C: Competitive with others


It may seem that all sports are competitive, but some are much more so than others. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a sport is: "physical activity engaged in for pleasure" and the synonym is "fun." If scoring goals (or failing to score) is not your idea of fun, then a competitive sport is not for you. On the other hand, if you need a metric of success, then you can choose between sports that encourage you to beat your own personal best, such as trail running, or the ones in which you either win or lose based on the score, such as tennis. 


Part 5: Preserve Potential Barriers

Look into the answers and the barriers you perceive and decide today what you can do brake them and help you start an exercise program that is fun and you enjoy. 

Part 6: Mind and Body Support

Many athletes aren’t just trying to succeed for themselves but for others. It is crucial to learn strategies for approaching physical activity with a healthy mindset. At the end of the day, your path toward balance should be appropriately tailored to what you need, who you are, and what will work best for you. Exercise is an important area of our lives that we can use to support our overall health and well-being. If like increases like and opposites balance, there are countless ways to introduce balancing energies into our fitness routines (and our lives). Your task is to find your way. Make this journey your own. Experiment with what speaks to you, and nourishes you, and celebrate this opportunity to bring more support and inspiration into your life.

The following list will help you look at the type of recreational activity that supports your constitution and your blood type. Click on the picture that describes your body constitution and your blood type and find out which recreational activity is best for you.

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