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Congratulations For Taking Care of Your
Mind, Body Spirit, and Soul.


Premium waist trimmer to decrease the belly fat and get an hourglass shape. And a high-performance invigorating blend of body fat reducing herbs balm. Using these two products together will improve your body shape fast.


Slim Waist Trainer Women Neoprene Sauna 

Designed with targeted shaping support and an adjustable three row hook and eye closure to let you pick the perfect fit. Its combination of light thermal fabrics shapes you all around, helping you slim to your ideal figure.


A test group of 30 subjects tested our unique Slim Waist Trainer. After eight weeks of continuous use, our test group received the following benefits:

  • Increased sweat
  • Weight loss
  • Calories burned
  • Improved cellulite
  • Tighter skin
  • Reduced thigh circumference
  • Reduced waist circumference
  • Enhanced skin texture
  • General well-being
  • Well tolerated for daily use


Trim Balm 4 fl oz

With Chitrak & Guggulu

  • Invigorating blend of kapha-reducing herbs
  • Saturates and penetrates the tissues
  • Made with herbs traditionally used to stimulate circulation

A weight management program that includes regular exercise and a healthy diet can be further enhanced with daily self-massage. Massaging the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and other areas where excess weight accumulates helps to improve circulation, increase metabolism, and stimulate the lymphatic system. Trim Balm delivers kapha-reducing herbs directly through the skin, targeting areas of accumulated natural toxins. In a base of sesame, sunflower and almond oils, this invigorating blend is the perfect complement to your healthy weight management routine.


Suggested Use:
Apply liberally to the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and other areas where cellulite accumulates and massage vigorously into the skin. For best results, use daily in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise.


To learn more about how you can transform your body and life, check our ONLINE CLASSES and the Fit Cuisine Fit Body Quest.

Waist Trimmer Bundle

Excluding Sales Tax

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